位于广东省汕头市,是1981 年经国务院批准成立的广东省属综合性大学,是教育部、广东省、李嘉诚基金会三方共建的省部共建大学,广东省首家高等教育体制机制改革实验示范校,也是全球唯一一所由私人基金会——李嘉诚基金会持续资助的公立大学。截至目前,学校占地面积1990.20 亩,建筑面积57.01 万平方米。汕头大学建校以来一直得到中央、省市领导的亲切关怀和大力支持。1986 年,邓小平同志在北京会见了李嘉诚先生,提出汕头大学要办得更加开放一些,逐步办成重点大学。江泽民、胡锦涛、李鹏、乔石、李瑞环、李岚清等党和国家领导人也曾亲临学校指导办学。教育部、广东省委省政府、汕头市委市政府均高度重视和大力支持汕头大学的改革与发展。
2011 年3 月,广东省列汕头大学为自主办学教育综合改革试点。2012 年6 月,教育部、广东省、李嘉诚基金会决定三方共建汕头大学,支持汕头大学继续深化改革。学校自2015 年以来进入广东省高水平大学建设计划高校。2016 年12 月,汕头大学和以色列理工学院合作创办的广东以色列理工学院获教育部批准正式成立。2018 年11 月4 日,汕头大学获批成为广东省首家高等教育体制机制改革实验示范校,深入探索一条可复制可推广的高校体制机制创新之路。2019 年,汕头大学东校区项目启动建设,东校区规划办学规模2 万人,项目选址于华侨试验区东海岸新城塔岗围片区东北角,规划总用地面积约1551 亩,投入总资金逾40 亿元。
汕头大学的建设与发展一直得到著名爱国人士及国际企业家李嘉诚先生的鼎力相助,李嘉诚基金会至2025 年支持汕大发展款项将逾100 亿港元,此外基金会还在香港额外付出了人力、物力和资源。汕头大学是李嘉诚先生“超越生命的承诺”,是李嘉诚基金会的核心项目,也是推动中国高校教育改革的平台。 长期以来,汕头大学全面贯彻党的教育方针,坚持社会主义办学方向,努力践行李嘉诚先生“以优质管理成就学术自由”的理念,进行全方位改革,为学者创造更自由的空间,以孕育创造性思维及创新性研究。
Shantou University (STU) located in Shantou, Guangdong, founded in 1981 with the approval of the National State Council, is a comprehensive university under the jurisdiction of the Guangdong Province and co-developed by the Ministry of Education (MOE), the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Li Ka Shing Foundation. STU is the first Higher Education Institutional Reform Experiment Demonstration University in Guangdong and the only public university in the world that is constantly subsidized by a private foundation, namely the Li Ka Shing Foundation. Currently, the campus covers a total area of 1,990.20 mu and a total built area of 570,100 square meters. Since its inception, Shantou University has been strongly supported by the Central, Provincial and Municipal authorities. In 1986, Comrade Deng Xiaoping received Mr. Li Ka Shing in Beijing and suggested that the University be more open to the outside world and dare to take unconventional measures, thereby gradually developing into a key university in China. Comrades Jiang Zemin, Hu Jintao and other leaders of the Central Government also graced the University with their visitations. The Ministry of Education, the Guangdong Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government, as well as the Shantou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government also attached great importance to the reform and development of STU.
In March 2011, the University's proposed program to transform itself into as elf-governing institution of higher education was designated by the Guangdong provincial government as the "Guangdong Pilot Project of Comprehensive Educational Reform". In June 2012, the Ministry of Education, the Guangdong Provincial Government and the Li Ka Shing Foundation signed a tripartite agreement to co-develop STU and support its educational reform. Since 2015, STU has been listed in the Guangdong Funding Program for Developing High level Universities. In December 2016, MOE approved the formal establishment of the Guangdong Technion Israel Institute of Technology (GTIIT), a higher educational institution jointly established by Shantou University and Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. On November 4, 2018, STU was approved as the first Higher Education Institutional Reform Experiment Demonstration University in Guangdong, aiming to seek a path of higher education institutional reform and innovation that is replicable and applicable. In 2019, the STU East Campus construction project was started, with the planned student body of 20,000. The east campus is located at the northeast corner of the Tagangwei area of the East Coast New Town in the Overseas Chinese Economic and Cultural Cooperation Experimental Zone. The total planned area is about 1,551 mu, and total estimated investment is over RMB 4 billion.
The construction and development of Shantou University receives a generous support from Mr. Li Ka-shing, the distinguished patriot and international entrepreneur. Till the year of 2025, the Li Ka Shing Foundation will have earmarked grants of over HK$10 billion to support the University. Besides that, the Foundation has contributed manpower and resources support in Hong Kong to support STU's development, which is a commitment of Mr. Li Ka-shing that would extend "beyond his lifetime". STU is one of the core projects of the Li Ka Shing Foundation as well as a platform for promoting educational reform in Chinese universities. Following the CPC's guiding principle for education and adhering to the socialist orientation, STU made tangible efforts to fulfill the idea of "good governance in support of academic freedom" which is valued by Mr. Li Ka-shing. Based on its comprehensive reforms, STU strives to create more freedom for scholars as well as to encourage creative thinking and innovative research for a long time.
Keeping abreast of the educational development trend of the country and continuing to play the role of "a pilot site for higher educational reform", Shantou University embarks on a series of comprehensive educational reforms that focus on the "Advanced Undergraduate Education based on Integrative Thinking". Through these reforms, the University is striving hard to become a top-tier research university that breaks development barriers between disciplines of Liberal Arts, Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, optimizing interdisciplinary collaboration and integration.
Official website of Shantou University:http://www.stu.edu.cn
Official website of School of International Education:http://sie.stu.edu.cn