南京师范大学是国家“211工程”重点建设的江苏省属重点大学、江苏省与教育部共建高校,起源于1902年创办的三江师范学堂,是中国高等师范教育的发祥地之一。一百多年来,南京师范大学大师辈出,以“正德厚生、笃学敏行”为校训,育就了“以人为本”的厚生传统,形成了“严谨、朴实、奋发、奉献”的优良校风。 学校拥有仙林、随园、紫金三个校区,随园校区被称为“东方最美丽的校园”。
As a key university of China and one of the 211 project institutions, Nanjing Normal University is well known as “The Most Beautiful Campus in the East”. Its history can be traced back to
At present, in the 28 schools and colleges, the university offers 74 bachelor degree programs, 134master programs and 78 doctoral programs. In 2020, there are over 31000 students and 3253 faculties, of whom there are 642 professors. For more than 110 years, the discipline layout incorporates humanities, history, philosophy, education, science, engineering, economics, law, agriculture, medicine, art and management.
Nanjing Normal University is among the first that were authorized to be open to the world and is also the National Base for Teaching Chinese to Foreigners. Nanjing Normal University is titled as “Model Education Institution for International Students” by Chinese Education Ministry. Nanjing Normal University has established cooperation with 231 universities in 43 countries or regions. More than 25000 international students have graduated from Nanjing Normal Universities since 1965, when Nanjing Normal University opened to the world. The university has accepted over 1500 students from 130 countries in 2020. Nanjing Normal University is striving to become a comprehensive university of unique features in teaching and research.
Welcome to study in Nanjing Normal University!