中国农业大学 China Agricultural University

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中国农业大学广泛开展国际交流与合作,努力扩大开放,加速国际化进程。学校与东欧、中亚、非洲、拉丁美洲、北美等51个国家和地区的239所大学、研究单位和国际组织建立了友好合作关系。校内设有国际学院、中德综合农业发展中心、中荷奶业中心、中以国际农业培训中心等国际教育、科研与培训机构。学校与荷兰瓦赫宁根大学、美国康奈尔大学、美国加州大学戴维斯分校和巴西圣保罗大学合作建设“世界顶尖涉农大学联盟(A5)”,并在此机制下开展各项实质性合作。在加强与世界顶尖院校合作的同时,学校积极响应 “一带一路”倡议,与“一带一路”沿线国家院校探讨农业科研与教育合作交流计划,成立了“一带一路农业合作学院”和“中国南南农业合作学院”,先后成立了“一带一路”动物科技创新联盟和“一带一路”与南南合作农业教育科技创新联盟,并依托联盟成立了11个“一带一路”农业合作中心。学校十分重视培养国际一流人才,与世界顶尖涉农大学联盟(A5)院校、英国爱丁堡大学、法国国家农业食品与环境研究院、澳大利亚悉尼大学、德国霍恩海姆大学、加拿大阿尔伯塔大学、哈萨克斯坦国立农业大学、坦桑尼亚苏库因大学、联合国粮农组织等国外一流院校和国际组织广泛开展本科、硕士、博士联合培养、学术竞赛、夏令营、交换生和实习等各类国家公派和校际交流项目

China Agricultural University (CAU) is one of the top ranked key national universities in China. It is one of the universities listed in 211 and 985 Projects and directly subordinated to the Ministry of Education of P.R.China.

CAU is located in Beijing, the capital of People's Republic of China, and a center for politics, culture, International exchanges and scientific & technological innovation. CAU has 3 campuses, including the East Campus, West Campus and Jianshe Campus. As the oldest agricultural higher education institution in China, CAU's history can be dated back to October 1905, when the College of Agriculture was founded by the former Imperial Univeristy of Peking.

Over the past 115 years, CAU has developed into a research university with agriculture, life sciences and agricultural engineering as its feature and strength. The mission of the university is centered on human health and nutrition by talent cultivation, technical innovation and social service.

CAU has 19 colleges in total, including Agronomy & Biotechnology, Animal Science & Technology, Biological Science, Food Science & Nutritional Engineering. There are more than 1,860 full-time teachers, 12,000 full-time undergraduates and 8,900 full-time postgraduates.

With “Tackle the Problems the People Face, Cultivate the Talents the World Needs” as our motto, CAU has developed into a research university with characteristic agronomy, life sciences, agricultural engineering, and food science. 9 Disciplines of CAU, including Crop Science, Agricultural Engineering, Biology, etc, are classified as National First-Class Disciplines. The 2020 U.S. News & World Report ranks CAU as #2 in agricultural sciences.





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