华东师范大学 East China Normal University

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Founded in Shanghai in October 1951, East China Normal University (ECNU) is one of the most prestigious universities in China sponsored by the national top university construction programs “Project 211” and “Project 985”. In 2017, ECNU was chosen as one of the 36 Class A universities on the list of Double First Class University Plan released by the central government of China.

With two beautiful campuses located in Minhang and Putuo districts of Shanghai, and covering a total area of more than 207 hectares, ECNU has long been known as a Garden University.

Since China opened up to the outside world in 1978, ECNU has developed rapidly into a comprehensive research university. At present, the University has 4 faculties, 30 full-time schools, 4 colleges, 8 advanced research institutes, one college of further education, and one national training center for secondary principals. Its 58 departments offer a total of 84 undergraduate programs in humanities, education, science, engineering, economics, management, philosophy, psychology, law, history and art. In addition, the University also offers 30 doctoral programs, 36 master's programs, one professional doctoral program, 21 professional master's programs, and 26 post-doctoral mobile research stations. 

ECNU boasts 2 State Key Labs, one National Engineering Research Center, one National Field Observation and Research Station, 7 Key Labs or Engineering Centers, 6 Key Research Bases for Humanities and Social Sciences, one Base for Strategic Studies of the Ministry of Education, and one International Cooperation Laboratory of the Ministry of Education. It also has 10 Key Labs or Engineering Centers, 7 Social Sciences Innovation Bases and Studios, and 2 university think-tanks for the Shanghai Municipality. The university sponsors or supervises the publication of nearly 30 academic journals and periodicals. Its library collection exceeds 4,800,000 volumes, and it also has 47 affiliated primary and secondary schools and kindergartens.

ECNU attaches great importance to internationalization. The university has established exchange and cooperative partnerships with more than 200 internationally renowned universities and academic institutions. As one of the first Chinese universities to carry out international Chinese education, it enjoys a leading position in this field.

Among its 4,000 strong faculty, 1,969 are professors and associate professors, including 18 academicians from the Chinese Academy of Sciences or Chinese Academy of Engineering. Currently, the number of full-time undergraduate students is 16,273 and that of graduate students is 18,935. There are also about 1,527 international students studying at ECNU.

Course Structure

汉语国际教育(本科) Undergraduate program of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign language 汉语国际教育 Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language Bachelor’s Degree Chinese Yes More >
英语(国际学生方向) English for Oversea Students 英语(国际学生方向) English for Oversea Students Bachelor’s Degree Chinese Yes More >
汉语言(本科) Undergraduate program of Chinese Language 汉语言 Chinese Language Bachelor’s Degree Chinese Yes More >
统计学 Statistics 统计学 Statistics Master’s Degree English Yes More >
人类学 Anthropology 人类学 Anthropology Master’s Degree English Yes More >
中国哲学 Chinese Philosophy 中国哲学 Chinese Philosophy Master’s Degree English Yes More >
国际商务 International Business 国际商务 International Business Master’s Degree English No More >
工商管理双学位本科 Double Degree Global BBA 工商管理 Business Administraton Bachelor’s Degree English No More >
中国近现代史基本问题研究 Study on the Basic Problems of Modern Chinese History 中国近现代史基本问题研究 Research on the basic problems of modern Chinese history Master’s Degree English Yes More >
艺术设计 Fine Arts Design 艺术设计 MFA Master’s Degree English Yes More >
比较文学与世界文学 Comparative Literature and World Literature 比较文学与世界文学 Chinese Cultural Studies Master’s Degree English Yes More >
政治学 Political Science 政治学 Political Science Master’s Degree English Yes More >


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